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Patriotic Services: Stockings for Soldiers
The Stockings for Soldiers project is supported both by monetary contributions and by DE Dames helping create and fill the stockings. The SFS web site gives sewing directions for the stockings, knitting instructions for the helmet liners and information on volunteering to help. 
Patriotic Services: Naturalization Ceremony
This NSCDA-DE Dames committee hosts a reception after the oath of allegiance is administered to immigrants; awards scholarships to ROTC students and gives a scholarship to a doctoral student in American History or Political Science. 

The Delaware Dames have been involved in many historic preservation projects through 125 years including the move, use and maintenance of the "Little Church" that was originally built in 1740; purchase and donation to the State of Delaware, The John Dickinson Mansion; publication of numerous books, most recently being A Guidebook to Delaware's Historical Markers, National Historic Landmarks, Bronze Tablets, Monuments, Memorials, State Markers, Districts and selected Buildings on the National register of Historic Places.

Historical Activities : Trips

An annual trip held each Spring to visit nearby historic properties, learning more about these remnants of history and support their preservation.

Ellis Island; Chestertown, MD; York, PA; The Museum of the American Revolution, Philadelphia, PA and Greenwich NJ are but a few of our recent explorations!

Historical Activities: Oral Histories

Interviews capturing first hand histories so they aren't lost in the context of time.

Historical Activities: Sampler Survey

Cataloging hand stitched creations that reflect the activities of the historic era in which they were made.

Historical Activities: Decorative Arts Index

Aiding in cataloging  historical furnishings and their appropriate attribution.




PO Box 4026, Wilmington DE, 19807 



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The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America in the State of Delaware was established May 10, 1892, the year after the 1891 founding of the National Society. A major NSCDA-DE project was the purchase, restoration and turn over to the State of Delaware, the John Dickinson Plantation, as a museum in 1951.

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